Patient Portal


  1. Do you have a laptop, desktop PC, or Mac 3 years old or newer?
    Older devices may struggle to run the program correctly.
  2. Is your space equipped with a modern internet connection that is reliable?
    Connecting directly to your router using an Ethernet cable for wired internet is recommended though wireless networks can also work fine.
  3. Have you downloaded Chrome or Firefox to your computer as your internet browser?
    Standard browsers such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Safari on a Mac may encounter compatibility issues with the video software as those browsers are not as up-to-date with current code.
  4. Do you have access to a working webcam?
    Most modern laptops have built-in webcams, which will work great for online therapy!  You may need to purchase and set up an external webcam if you have a desktop PC or Mac.

MVCG Psychotherapy Services, LLC

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